Daily Archives: May 26, 2017

A UPS e a SF Holding Estabelecem Joint Venture

“A UPS está entusiasmada para formar uma joint venture com a SF. Essa joint venture proporcionará benefícios competitivos aos nossos clientes chineses que comercializam ou pretendem comercializar internacionalmente“, diz Ross McCullough, Presidente da UPS Ásia Pacífico. A joint venture focará inicialmente essas ofertas de serviços conjuntos altamente competitivos na rota China-EUA, com planos de expansão para mercados do restante do mundo. A joint venture cria sinergias positivas para a UPS e pa

By | 2017-05-26T00:53:00+00:00 May 26th, 2017|companies|0 Comments

UPS y SF Holding Estableceran Una Alianza Comercial

To request a UPS executive for an upcoming speaking engagement , please complete and submit the following formWe are unable to process your speaker request. We have not been able to received your request for a UPS speaker. We would like you to be contacting our Public Relationship office at +14048287123

By | 2017-05-26T00:53:00+00:00 May 26th, 2017|companies|0 Comments